Tuesday 27 March 2012

God is the First Surgeon and Anesthesiologist

Have been teaching students about pain medications, analgesics, anesthetics and all sort of medications commonly found in the ward. Have been checking nursing care plans with diagnosis of "Altered Comfort: Pain". For the first two semesters in teaching, I was assigned to teach Bioethics/Medical Ethics which delves into stem cell, abortion, human cloning and transplantation and human experimentation.   Lately, have been taking Mefenamic for my muscle pain, and just recently have heard that my superior underwent C-section- a major operation that involves anesthetic agents. 

We all need these pain medications. We don't want to suffer and see someone in agonizing pain. Remembered the last time I had my blood sample taken for CBC count, that even just the sight of 3-cc sharp pointed syringe brought much tears. All the more about surgical operation, being under the knife! Thanks to the one who invented these pain relievers.

But don't you know, that long before man used cocaine as the first anesthesia component, the Bible says in Genesis 2:21 "And the Lord caused a deep sleep  to fall upon Adam..." - that means ANESTHESIA- state of unconsciousness! God did the surgery on Adam to make Eve. And why did HE took the RIBS?  Why not other part of the body? What is in the ribs by the way? This calls for understanding about stem cells and about human cloning/embryo cloning. That is  to  harvest the stem cells that have the potential to develop into almost any cell in the body.  The extraction of stem cells from the blastocyte- from the bone marrows. Our ribs has bone marrow! My teacher in   college once said that  Rib bone marrow had higher protein, iron, non-heme iron and total pigment than scapula, aitch/hip bone or vertebrae marrow. Isn't that amazing? No wonder a researcher once said, "Most of what I need to know about clinical research methods, I learned from the Bible".

These are just small proofs that the Bible is the greatest Book. Science can never refute the BIBLE. These proves that God is OMNISCIENT.. If you want to be a scholar, a researcher, a scientist then better read the BOOK of the OMNISCIENT AUTHOR!

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