Monday 9 April 2012

Just for Single Ladies

Last week I attended that annual church activity- Family Camp. It was full of fun and substance. Though I missed the first three days of the week. Yet, I was full of blessings hearing the sermons, devotionals and encouragement. Unlike the previous years that passed, most of the days were rainy, our tent areas got flooded and traversing the muddy pathways. This year, God granted our prayers of a good weather! The sun never hides from us so we could enjoy the duration of the camp.

Above, is the photo of our small group devotional, where we get to have intimate heart-to-heart talk with Ms. Lois Rabaya, our leader. The daily devotional lessons for "Ladies" were a great help to us. It has expounded on how could a young lady could prepare herself of building a  strong family someday. It focuses on the priority of pursuing after God, of laying the foundation early by abiding on God's word. It talks about preserving purity, of building a stronger relationship with Christ. Of which, nowadays, the word purity was something neglected mostly by young teenagers.  Also, we shared among the group about our dreams, our prayers, our hopes and aspirations of how can we be a lady who will someday be a mother of a strong family. We also talked about strengthening our personal walk as a Christian, of reading God's word, of witnessing Christ, of ministering, and fervent and unceasing prayers. We also tackled our personal issues regarding matters of the heart and have noted that we- women, does not want to become the richest, nor the most famous person, but we all aimed for one thing - building a Godly family. What a deep confessions from these ladies! What a meaningful conversations with these young ladies. Every morning, I'm so excited being with the group of digesting  and digging precious jewels the Bible. The conversations was so rich and inspiring, that I wish it would never end. 

Oh how i love the lessons, I'm encourage of going back to my ritual-Daily in the Word. I got to kick this start of pursuing the REAL happiness of abiding in Christ. Of doing the great things all for God's glory. I could still remember 3  years ago, still during the Family Camp, when Ms Yashinca Pontillas asked me how do I see myself in the future. I told her, "I will be a successful Clinical Instructor". A year after, I got my request granted from God. Now, i had my dream I shared it to the group, I am so excited of fulfilling this dream again to be an instrument of spreading His word, of showing everyone, that the God whom I have served was true to His word and is gracious enough to answer my prayers.

May our gracious God grant us our petitions of building our own strong family to support a strong church. 

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