Tuesday 15 January 2013

2013 Reflection from the Ants

Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. Proverbs 6:6

Getting fast pace is the "in" thing today. Fast foods, fast internet connection, speed reading, and many of such sorts, that we, as humans want everything in hand in just one click. This 2013, I have resolved to move forward in every area in my life. I'm out of my usual state for these past few months, getting lazy and lacking energy. I've got to move up and higher for any advancements. Then, this verse pops into me, something about the ants. Small creatures moving gracefully following the same line walking with big loads on their backs. I can be like that! This is my year of the ants!

Ants do not have the sense of eyes on their own, yet they move in lines one after the other. They never have a ruler or monitoring squad teams to look after, still they are so discipline and hardworking. Faithfully they follow the road map straight to their goal. They never stray from the way, nor find rest and pause for a moment dropping the load they are carrying. Running wasn't their way, but sure do, they walk in small pace continuing in perseverance even in steep walls, defying the law of gravity. Such is an example of discipline perseverance and hardwork. They are even wiser than slothful human who have big heads claiming to be the superior living thing. 

Another character trait we can glean from these little ants is their integrity and the ability to work as a team. In the workforce, individuals must develop teamwork to be able to meet the objectives at the limited span of time. Multitasking is a good idea, speeding up things working to beat deadlines. However, many went to burn out, intentionally lessening their time for  rest and recuperate from the stressful task. Such problem will be solve when we work with the team. Working with the men and the machine effectively and efficiently. A good set of interpersonal skills should be honed to be able to work with people around you. Machines do lack emotions. The moment they fail, doing the physical fixing will work or worst discard it. But, with men, we can't do the same. It takes a lot of patience and overdose of considerate understanding to those people who doesn't work as expected. Often, conflicts arise among the team members and working resolutions seems to eat much of the time. My dad's advise is - As much as possible strive to work in harmony with the co-workers. Submitting  to authorities and respecting the subordinates are too important even if at times its against your will. Above all, work for the Lord not for yourself, nor for your boss work for God. With such attitude in mind, you'll ever do your best and outdo your best to excellence and perfection. 

So, LIVE, LEARN, LAUGH and LOVE! Expecting for best blessings this year of the busy-Ant-me!