Tuesday 15 January 2013

2013 Reflection from the Ants

Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. Proverbs 6:6

Getting fast pace is the "in" thing today. Fast foods, fast internet connection, speed reading, and many of such sorts, that we, as humans want everything in hand in just one click. This 2013, I have resolved to move forward in every area in my life. I'm out of my usual state for these past few months, getting lazy and lacking energy. I've got to move up and higher for any advancements. Then, this verse pops into me, something about the ants. Small creatures moving gracefully following the same line walking with big loads on their backs. I can be like that! This is my year of the ants!

Ants do not have the sense of eyes on their own, yet they move in lines one after the other. They never have a ruler or monitoring squad teams to look after, still they are so discipline and hardworking. Faithfully they follow the road map straight to their goal. They never stray from the way, nor find rest and pause for a moment dropping the load they are carrying. Running wasn't their way, but sure do, they walk in small pace continuing in perseverance even in steep walls, defying the law of gravity. Such is an example of discipline perseverance and hardwork. They are even wiser than slothful human who have big heads claiming to be the superior living thing. 

Another character trait we can glean from these little ants is their integrity and the ability to work as a team. In the workforce, individuals must develop teamwork to be able to meet the objectives at the limited span of time. Multitasking is a good idea, speeding up things working to beat deadlines. However, many went to burn out, intentionally lessening their time for  rest and recuperate from the stressful task. Such problem will be solve when we work with the team. Working with the men and the machine effectively and efficiently. A good set of interpersonal skills should be honed to be able to work with people around you. Machines do lack emotions. The moment they fail, doing the physical fixing will work or worst discard it. But, with men, we can't do the same. It takes a lot of patience and overdose of considerate understanding to those people who doesn't work as expected. Often, conflicts arise among the team members and working resolutions seems to eat much of the time. My dad's advise is - As much as possible strive to work in harmony with the co-workers. Submitting  to authorities and respecting the subordinates are too important even if at times its against your will. Above all, work for the Lord not for yourself, nor for your boss work for God. With such attitude in mind, you'll ever do your best and outdo your best to excellence and perfection. 

So, LIVE, LEARN, LAUGH and LOVE! Expecting for best blessings this year of the busy-Ant-me!

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Preparations for Hosting a Youth Camp

December comes and the youth group gets so busy with the camp preparations. Not just attending a camp, rather, hosting a Youth Camp for the whole province. It is a tough job, lots of preparations to be made to keep the three-day-activity a success. Like many other church programs there are innumerable things you need to remember to do as you prepare a camp/retreat for your youth group! I do hope these little checklist with some tips  will help you.
ü  Programme of the Camp. You may download and view the Programme Template of the Youth Camp. I would like to thank Mr. James Asuncion and Preacher Arniel Avenido for the making it more artistic. http://www.scribd.com/doc/117930561/Youth-Camp-Programme
ü  Invitation Letters to the Churches with attachment of consent from the parents

ü  Give-aways/Tokens for the delegates
ü  Banner for Each Group
ü  Awards for the Groups
ü  Opening Program/Renditions
ü  List of Working Committees
ü  Choir sheets
ü  Backdrop Tarpaulins
ü  Registration Forms
ü  Identification Tags for the Delegates
ü  Tokens for the Speakers
ü  Decorations for the Church
ü  First Aid Kits and medications
ü  Powerpoints for the Songs/EasyWorship
A month long preparations may not be enough. Usually, we start with the planning on the start of September. We also have to collaborate with the Men’s Group and Women’s Church Group for the Food and provisions.

Whenever I think of hosting a camp, it reminds me of how Nehemiah builded the wall. There are lots of obstacle that may arise along the way. Yet, the work will be accomplished. It will always be for victory, because the battle is of the Lord. 2 Corinthians 15:7 gives a pat on the shoulders to those who are tired of doing the camp preparations. Our hands may grow weaker and weaker and our hearts starts to go down in discouragement but Nehemiah asked "O God, strengthen my hands."! We can do all things through Christ which strengthens us!

Monday 28 May 2012

God Makes No Mistakes

Summer is nearing to end. In a couple of days, I'll be reporting to my job being a clinical instructor, working and teaching with unending duty. Wishing I could just slow down the racing time. Things has been quiet with my blogging, yet in reality I have been very busy doing the things which I truly love. For a Pastor's daughter, summer vacation means - attending camps, preparing sunday school classes, scouting for new songs for the choir, playing the piano during services (aside from the scheduled-Sunday and Wednesday),  making powerpoints of Dad's sermon and the long list goes on. Nonetheless, I enjoy doing those stuff!. I had the rare occasion of spending my 7-day-retreat at Dumaguete City. I had precious memories and share of lessons learned. I had my time to recollect while traveling. I never had such soul-refreshing and spiritually uplifting vacation. I could not express how thankful I am to God, with all the blessings He plentifully showered me. In response to His benefits towards me.  God's graces were too overwhelming for me, that I could not express it in words but through a song. I never thought, I find a new meaning in an old song. So, here it is, a song rendition by my sisters. I warn you! We are not professional singers, nor do I had formal lessons in playing the piano, so bear with us please. But, I am hoping that this prayer song will touch your life as it has touched mine.

God Makes No Mistakes

My life I give to you oh Lord use me I pray
May I glorify Your precious name in all I do and say
Let me trust You in the valley dark as well as in the light
Knowing You will always lead me
Your will is always right

I know God makes no mistakes
He leads in every path I take
Along the way that’s leading me to home
Though at times my heart would break
There’s a purpose in every change He makes
So that others would see my life and know
That God makes no mistakes

And when some day in heav’n above I see His dear face
May I then be counted faithful as a runner in this race
But now I’m trusting in the Savior to show me the way
In His righteousness He guides me as I seek to please Him day by day

I know God makes no mistakes
He leads in every path I take
Along the way that’s leading me to home
Though at times my heart would break
There’s a purpose in every change He makes
So that others would see my life and know
That God makes no mistakes
God makes no mistakes

Sunday 6 May 2012

Children's Bible Class

Teaching college students are serious type of lectures, discussions, no-non-sense thing. Unlike, teaching outreach classes bring different kind of joy. We want to teach children about Jesus and God, Bible characters and good values. We never have that presentable classroom or a comfy chair with tables, nor powerpoint presentations, yet, we had fun improvising things. Singing songs make you feel like a child again. Nowadays, we need more teachers to teach about good morals and about Bible, something being banned from most universities. 

Above, is a mother also attending the class with their kids. Its one way of reaching the parents to Christ. They too enjoyed the short activity. We taught them to memorize short verses from the Bible and give rewards to those who can memorize.

Samsom and Delilah Game

 Funny how they make faces out of the Lion, shouting , "WrrrrrRRRR" with all their souls.
The group of boys outran us with their tactics, they got 3 points, ours 1. the girl in white and gray pants whispered to me, " Kanang, dragon na jud atoa te buh". Laughing, i said, "Langga, wala tay dragon, only Lion, Delilah and Samsom." And so with much discussion, they all agreed to do the Lion.

Needless to say, its more fun teaching kids under the Jackfruit tree!

Thursday 3 May 2012

Do I Really Care?

I just heard this song last night, which has tugged my heart of examining the real situation of my heart. The melody plus the lyrics perfectly blend into a song that you will surely love to hit the repeat/rewind button. Ebenezer Ponce, also a pastor's/missionary kid. He is a singer, composer and the eldest son of Pastor German Ponce, a missionary to Bangladesh. 

I Do I Really Care?

Where am I When the people cry?
And ask for life before they die.
Why do I let my heart and ears deny?
Till there’s no time and life passed bye

Do I really care and value souls?
Or just ignore and let them go.
Is it worth to claim that the truth is in me?
If I myself don’t show that I care.

Is it enough to say that I love them?
If I’m not willing to go and tell.
I choose to be overwhelmed by shame
And hide the message I’m supposed to share.

Do I really care and value souls?
Or just ignore and let them go.
Is it worth to claim that the truth is in me?
If I myself don’t show that I care.

Have I consider them as treasure?
Or I become so craven.
Is reaching them for Christ a pleasure?
Or for me is it just a burden.

Do I really care and value souls?
Or just ignore and let them go.
Is it worth to claim that the truth is in me?
If  I myself don’t show that I care.

Friday 20 April 2012

Optimizing Life

Has it ever happened to you that you want to throw your computer away, just because its slower than snail? Or you are beating deadlines to catch up with some of your papers, when suddenly the cursor of Word application, won't show the letters you are typing? All because your computer has slowed its functioning due to some viruses or excess programs that you never use.

Today, I bumped into this verse from Heart Matters I, Lesson IV. Let me cite God's word taken from Psalms 139:23-24

"Search me O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts. And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."

Often, we can't see our real spiritual condition because we compare our own goodness to the unbelievers. We have this holier-than-thou attitude. However, our basis for righteousness should be God, the standard should be no other than the Bible. It is then when we compare our own self-righteousness to God's righteousness - we are humbled. Daily prayers of searching and knowing should be done. 

Our lives can be compared to a computer of which there should be continuous checking of errors, viruses or unwanted programs that slows down its functioning. Search and rescue team inside our hearts and minds to cleanse us from all wicked way. These wicked ways are the culprit why we became ineffective in our Christian walk, in our church functions of witnessing others, of reflecting God's glory in our lives.Yet, we question, why I am stucked here, I want a higher ground of happiness in serving God. I'm working and moving yet, it seems I can't get out or make another step. Errors! Sins and iniquities lurking inside our hearts and minds. We all need spiritual optimization daily in God's way. At times, we need to stop rushing things just to make it faster. Let us stop for a while and have ourselves be scanned and be optimised. 

Allow me to share my prayer for today.

Father God, you know I am full of sins and iniquities inside out. But I beg for your  forgiveness. Wash me thoroughly, search me, my heart, my thoughts. Renew me, revive me in your word, lead me in YOUR WAY - the righteous and perfect way FOREVER. This I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, my Saviour, Amen.

May our gracious God lead us to His way. 

Monday 9 April 2012

Just for Single Ladies

Last week I attended that annual church activity- Family Camp. It was full of fun and substance. Though I missed the first three days of the week. Yet, I was full of blessings hearing the sermons, devotionals and encouragement. Unlike the previous years that passed, most of the days were rainy, our tent areas got flooded and traversing the muddy pathways. This year, God granted our prayers of a good weather! The sun never hides from us so we could enjoy the duration of the camp.

Above, is the photo of our small group devotional, where we get to have intimate heart-to-heart talk with Ms. Lois Rabaya, our leader. The daily devotional lessons for "Ladies" were a great help to us. It has expounded on how could a young lady could prepare herself of building a  strong family someday. It focuses on the priority of pursuing after God, of laying the foundation early by abiding on God's word. It talks about preserving purity, of building a stronger relationship with Christ. Of which, nowadays, the word purity was something neglected mostly by young teenagers.  Also, we shared among the group about our dreams, our prayers, our hopes and aspirations of how can we be a lady who will someday be a mother of a strong family. We also talked about strengthening our personal walk as a Christian, of reading God's word, of witnessing Christ, of ministering, and fervent and unceasing prayers. We also tackled our personal issues regarding matters of the heart and have noted that we- women, does not want to become the richest, nor the most famous person, but we all aimed for one thing - building a Godly family. What a deep confessions from these ladies! What a meaningful conversations with these young ladies. Every morning, I'm so excited being with the group of digesting  and digging precious jewels the Bible. The conversations was so rich and inspiring, that I wish it would never end. 

Oh how i love the lessons, I'm encourage of going back to my ritual-Daily in the Word. I got to kick this start of pursuing the REAL happiness of abiding in Christ. Of doing the great things all for God's glory. I could still remember 3  years ago, still during the Family Camp, when Ms Yashinca Pontillas asked me how do I see myself in the future. I told her, "I will be a successful Clinical Instructor". A year after, I got my request granted from God. Now, i had my dream I shared it to the group, I am so excited of fulfilling this dream again to be an instrument of spreading His word, of showing everyone, that the God whom I have served was true to His word and is gracious enough to answer my prayers.

May our gracious God grant us our petitions of building our own strong family to support a strong church.